Iconicity in the syntax of sign languages (plenary talk), ConSOLE31, 02-23-2023, University of Bielefeld.
Orthographie im Wandel? Zur Rechtschreibleistung von Lehramtsstudierenden im Fach Deutsch, Symposium: Sprachwandel oder Sprachverfall? Deutschunterricht, Germanistik und die Frage der Sprachnormen.
The clause structure of Burkina Faso Sign Language, 10th World Congress of African Linguistics, Leiden University, 06-05-2021. 10.17605/OSF.IO/79VCN
The Bodily Mapping Hypothesis Sensing Syntax, seminar at the University of British Columbia, 03-09-2021.
With Katherine Fraser: Contrastive focus reduplication and the modification puzzle, Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Modification, University of Tübingen (Germany), 01-29-2021.
Cross-modal associations between front vowels and the future and back vowels and the past?, Phonetics & Phonology in German-Speaking Countries, University of Trier (Germany), 09-10-2020.
A failed replication of the rhyme-as-reason effect, Phonetics & Phonology in German-Speaking Countries, University of Trier (Germany), 09-11-2020.
With Daniel Hole: The Bodily Mapping Hypothesis in sign language and matters of data elicitation, Multimodality Workshop Jena 2019, University of Jena (Germany), 11-29-2019.
Object shift and differential object marking in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache), 13th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, University of Hamburg, 09-28-2019.
Coordination and subordination in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache) and the Bodily Mapping Hypothesis, 13th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, University of Hamburg, 09-26-2019.
Language tutorial: Sign language linguistics. State of the art, Thirteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Batumi (Georgia), 09-16-2019-09-20-2019.
Encoding different types of topics and foci in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache). A Cartographic approach to sign language syntax, AG 4: Encoding varieties of topic and focus: The role of contrast and information status, 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Bremen (Germany), 03-08-2019.
The ‘Person Agreement Marker’ in German Sign Language: not verbal agreement, but differential object marking, Multiple Agreement across Domains, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, 11-08-2018.
The good, the bad, the bouba, and the kiki. Cross-modal correspondences between evaluative meanings, speech-sounds, and object shapes, P&P 14 (Phonetics & Phonology in the German-Speaking World), University of Vienna, 09-07-2018.
With Serpil Karabüklü, Ronnie Wilbur, and Daniel Hole: Modal signs and scope relations in Turkish Sign Language, Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory (FEAST) 7, Venice, 06-18-2018.
Differential object marking in German Sign Language: animacy and definiteness as cross-linguistically stable cognitive concepts, VIII International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics, Universidad de Sevilla, 05-04-2018.
More evidence for an iconic mapping of clausal categories onto the body in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache), Sign Language Syntax and Linguistic Theory; GLOW (Generative Linguistics in the Old World) 41, Budapest, 04-14-2018.

With Tony Franzky & Fabian Dirscherl: Ghostbusting the writer. Academic ghostwriting in Germany—A quantitative study, PRINTEGER European Conference on Research Integrity 2018, University of Bonn, Germany, 02-06-2018.
With Daniel Hole: A deeper look at scope-taking strategies in German Sign Language and the universal hierarchy of clausal categories, Semionarios de Lingüística, Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 11-15-2017.

With Daniel Hole: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language, The building blocks and mortar of meaning II, University of Tübingen, 11-03-2017.
With Daniel Hole: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language, Institute of Linguistics of National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, 10-06-2017.
Cognitive associations between vowel length and object size: A new feature contributing to a Bouba/Kiki effect, P&P 13 (Phonetics & Phonology in the German-Speaking World), Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Humboldt University Berlin, 09-28-2017.
With Daniel Hole: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language, Transmodal perspectives on secondary meaning at the 12th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Lagodekhi, Georgia 09-21-2017.
With Daniel Hole: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language, Graduiertenkolleg “Nominal Modification”, Goethe University Frankfurt, 07-11-2017.
With Daniel Hole: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language, The week of signs and gestures, University of Stuttgart, 06-14-2017.
On the origin of the head shake, The week of signs and gestures, University of Stuttgart, 06-12-2017.
With Daniel Hole: Swabian, German, Chinese and German Sign Language: multi-source convergence on a cartographic array of modal flavors, AG 9: Towards an ontology of modal flavors, 39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Saarbrücken (Germany), 03-09-2017.
Ge(k)lebte Fankultur (a non translatable word play; talk about soccer fan art in Germany), Jugendinformationszentrum, München, 02-02-2017.
With Daniel Hole: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language, Current Trends in Linguistics 2017 (CuTLi 2017), workshop at the University of Hamburg, 01-21-2017.
With Daniel Hole: The iconic nature of scope-taking in German Sign Language, CogLing7, Radboud University, Nijmegen (Netherlands), 01-06-2017.
Rhymes and Concepts: A phonological Whorf effect, Syllables and syllabification, University of Poitiers (France), 09-29-2016.
The Origin of the Head Shake, 2nd Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 06-20-2016.
How twenty minutes of word learning can change the way we see the world. A phonological Whorf effect, 2nd Conference of the Sound to Word in Bilingual and Second Language Speech Perception, University of Iowa, 04-02-2016.
With Martina Brüchle (TUM School of Education): Workshop Lehrer*innenbildung (teacher training), Besser:15, der 10. Münchner Schülerkongress, 11-21/22-2015.
Lyrik in Laut- und Gebärdensprachen (Poetry in Spoken and Signed Languages), Besser:15, der 10. Münchner Schülerkongress, 11-20-2015.
Gebärdensprachen als bedrohte Sprachen (Sign Languages as Endangered Languages), Annual general meeting of the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen (Society for Endangered Languages), in Stuttgart, 11-06-2015.
With Daniel Hole: Concatenation and layering across modalities, Nonmanuals at the Gesture Sign Interface (NaGSI), workshop in Göttingen, 10-10-2015.
With Daniel Hole: Layering and concatenation as scope-taking strategies in German Sign Language, Perspectives in Gesture Sign Language Research, workshop in Stuttgart, 09-23-2015.
With Daniel Hole: Levels of scope-taking in German Sign Language (DGS), Embodied meaning goes public, workshop at the University of Stuttgart, 12-05-2015.
Was sind Gebärdensprachen? (What are sign languages?), 9. Münchener Schülerkongress (besser::14) 11-21-2014.
Embodiment von Satzoperatoren und ihre Kodierung in Laut- und Gebärdensprachen (Embodied sentence operators and their coding in spoken and signed languages), University of Stuttgart 12-09-2013.
Was ist europäische Streetart? (What is european street art?), 8. Münchener Schülerkongress (besser::13) 11-22-2013.
Tendenzen in der europäischen Streetart (Trends in european street art), 7. Münchener Schülerkongress (besser::12) 11-23-2012.
Streetart als Jugendbeteiligung (Street art as youth participation), Jugend, Kunst und Kultur in München, 2. Informations-Veranstaltung für die Jugendbeauftragten der Bezirksausschüsse, das Provisorium, München 04-12-2012.
Streetart – Motivik und Tendenzen (Street art – motifs and trends), 6. Münchener Schülerkongress (besser::11) 11-25-2011.
Streetart in München (Street art in Munich), Medienzentrum München, 11-09-2011.
Abstraktion zum Greifen nah – Wie wir konkrete und abstrakte Konzepte in unserem Gehirn verarbeiten (Abstraction within one’s grasp – How we process concrete and abstract concepts in our minds), Nerd Nite in der Niederlassung München 10-13-2009.
With Martin Höppl: Projektpräsentation HyperMedia (Project presentation), Interdisziplinärer jour fixe der Arbeitsgruppe Kulturinformatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität und der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München 07-18-2009.
With Martin Höppl: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Perspektiven der digitalen Kunstgeschichte am Beispiel des Projekts HyperMedia zu einem Bildcorpus französischer Revolutionsgraphik (Applicability and perspectives of the digital art history using the example of HyperMedia), HyperImage-Konferenz an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 02-27-2009.
With Martin Höppl: Technische Möglichkeiten der onlinebasierten Bildverlinkung durch den HyperImage-Editor und die visuellen Zeichensysteme in der Druckgraphik der Französischen Revolution (Hyperlinks in pictures using the HyperImage editor), Tagung des Exzellenzclusters Europe and Asia in Heidelberg 02-09-2009.
With Martin Höppl: Interpikturalität in der Bildpublizistik der Französischen Revolution und die Forschungsperspektiven von HyperMedia (Interpicturality in the French Revolution and the perspectives of HyperMedia), HyperImage-Tagung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 04-10-2008.